Jordan Scandal

Jim Jordan sexual abuse scandal

"No more denials. Jim Jordan must acknowledge what he knew." - Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial Board


GOP Rep. Jim Jordan has been accused of knowing, and doing nothing, about the serial sexual assault of students at Ohio State University where he worked as an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to 1995. This site walks you through the allegations, and latest news about the growing scandal. To begin, check out our Frequently Asked Questions page, which lays out the case against Jim Jordan, then check back for updated blog posts and links to the latest news. #JordanKnew



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The Accusers
- Copy of class-action suit filed against Jordan, et. al.
- Copy of third lawsuit filed against OSU.

- Rep. Jim Jordan is trying to silence the former students who have accused him of knowing about sexual abuse. (Slate)
- Jim Jordan and the "locker room talk" excuse (Daily Show)
- Two former Ohio State students speak out on doctor's alleged sexual abuse (CBS News)
- Jordan denies that his Ohio State colleagues knew about sexual abuse. The evidence says they did. (Slate)
- Former OSU wrestlers speak out about abuse (TurnTo10)
- Beltway news cycle is burying the horrifying details of the Ohio State sex abuse scandal (ThinkProgress)
- Jim Jordan thinks coaches can ignore "lock room talk" about abuse (Truthout)
- Ohio State has more than 100 firsthand accounts of sexual misconduct by former athletic doctor (WaPo)
- Two lawsuits against Ohio State keep Jim Jordan in the cross hairs (NYT)
- Now Jim Jordan faces questions (Akron Beacon Journal)
- Jordan named in new OSU sexual abuse lawsuit (Rolling Stone)
- FL GOP Gov. candidate DeSantis silent on Jordan after receiving donation. (Tampa Bay Times)
- Why Jordan denies knowledge of sexual abuse at Ohio State (Rolling Stone)
- No more denials. Jim Jordan must acknowledge what he knew: editorial (Plain Dealer)
- Jim Jordan condemns others without mercy. He should be judged the same. (Slate)
- Jim Jordan wants coward's way out (Longview New-Journal)
- Jim Rat (Slate)
- Jordan Scandal explainer video (NowThis)
- What you need to know about the Jordan scandal (Buzzfeed)
- Ohio State wrestlers describe abuse by Dr. Strauss in wrenching video (NBC)
- Allegations against Jordan strike at carefully cultivated wrestling persona (WaPo
- Pelosi: 'Jim Jordan had a duty to protect' Ohio State wrestlers (CNN)
- House needs to probe what Jordan knew about alleged sexual abuse (CNN)
- Is the GOP following Jim Jordan over a cliff? (NYT)
- Jim Jordan's boss backtracks & it's getting messy (Hill Reporter)
- What Jordan scandal tells us about GOP morality (WaPo)
- John Legend slams Jim Jordan for calling CNN "fake news" (Billboard)
- Jim Jordan blames the "Deep State" (Vanity Fair)
- Allegations against Jordan could derail his career (MarketWatch)
- Lead Jordan defender contradicts self on tape. (AMERICAblog)
- Jim Jordan's slow bleed (TPM)
- Twitter users skewer Jordan (HuffPo)
- A cesspool of deviancy (Politico)
- No scenario where Jordan isn't a terrible leader (LAT)
- Jordan hires crisis PR firm to manage furor (Politico)
- Ex-wrestler: Jordan "snickered" when told of sexual abuse (NY Post)
- 9th wrestler says Jordan knew (CNN)
- 7th wrestler says Jordan knew (WaPo)
- 5th wrestler says Jordan knew (NBC)
- 4th wrestler says Jordan knew (USA Today)
- Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse by 3 former wrestlers (NBC)

- Dennis Hastert (NBC)
- Joe Paterno (Wikipedia)
- Mark Foley (Wikipedia)
- Roy Moore (Wikipedia)



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